Day’s Run – May 8, 2024

Date: 8 May 2024
Sailing from: St. Helena
Bound towards: Grenada, West Indies
Noon position: 01°22.6’S 041°43.6′ W
Course: NW 1/2 W
Speed: 7.4 knots
Wind force and direction: Force 3 SSE
Seas/swell:  2 ESE
Barometer: 1014
Sky: 8/8 st, ns, cu
Water temperature: 82.8°F
Distance made good in 24 hours: 179nm
Passage log: 2,618nm
Voyage log: 25,866nm
Distance to next port: 1,454nm
Remarks: Yesterday evening we dogged the watches, rotating them one watch time back. This is nice to do on longer passages to shake things up a bit. Ollie and Eric serve the new whisker stay for the headrig. Bruce works on painting the coffee station on the aloha deck. Line and Sara get started on the roping on the new course. It gets wire leeches. Squalls keep the watches busy with sail handling but are not violent – not here or now anyway. Plenty current helping us move along.