Day’s Run – May 7, 2024

Date: 7 May 2024
Sailing from: St. Helena
Bound towards: Grenada, West Indies
Noon position: 02°22.2’S 038°55.8′ W
Course: NW 1/2 W
Speed: 6.7 knots
Wind force and direction: Force 3 SE
Seas/swell:  2m SExS
Barometer: 1013 steady
Sky: 5/8 cu, cn
Water temperature: 83.8°F, 28.6 C
Distance made good in 24 hours: 161 nm
Passage log: 2,439 nm
Voyage log: 25,687nm
Distance to next port: 1,604nm
Remarks: The light pollution of Fortaleza, Brazil loomed in the distance off the port beam during the night. We have closed in on the coast to catch the strong Brazil current. We are now only 50 miles offshore and at most times have at least one other ship nearby. Small squalls pass through but the weather has been very nice overall. With the current our speeds have been keeping over seven knots. Right now we are going 8.5 knots. We have been catching fish every day recently. Yesterday all three hooks were pulled in with a mahi mahi on each. One big bull and two females. Today a wahoo was caught in the morning and during lunch another shimmering blue/green mahi mahi was pulled in. Donald is very happy. Crew is also very happy because Donald makes the most mouth watering fish dishes. We’ll be eating good tonight!

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