Day’s Run – May 9, 2024

Date: 9 May 2024
Sailing from: St. Helena
Bound towards: Grenada, West Indies
Noon position: 00°04.3’S 043°46.8′ W
Course: N 1/2 W
Speed: 6.3 knots
Wind force and direction: Force 3 E
Seas/swell:  2m ESE
Barometer: 1013
Sky: 7/8 St
Water temperature: 83.4°F
Distance made good in 24 hours: 152nm
Passage log: 2,769nm
Voyage log: 26,018nm
Distance to next port: 1,301nm
Remarks: All sail is set and we’re making 7 knots in the right direction. The course sail is getting roped on the quarterdeck by Leo and Dee. Ollie, Liam and Bruce tackle wire seizings on the whisker stay and on the fore shrouds. The energy level on board is high – anticipation building all day – we are four miles south of the equator and closing fast. The four pollywogs onboard are in for an interesting afternoon (Benita, Dee, Eric and Bruce).

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