Day’s Run – May 13, 2024

Date: 13 May 2024
Sailing from: St. Helena
Bound towards: Grenada, West Indies
Noon position: 05°06.2’N 051°01.7′ W
Course: NWxW 1/2 W
Speed: 6 knots
Wind force and direction: Force 5 NExN
Seas/swell:  3m ExN
Barometer: 1015
Sky: 8/8 st, cn
Water temperature: 82.1°F
Distance made good in 24 hours: 146nm
Passage log: 3,310nm
Voyage log: 26,559nm
Distance to next port: 769nm
Remarks: Ollie and Bruce did a fantastic job yesterday as cooks while Donald took his Sunday off. Pancakes, fish chowder, and shepherd’s pie graced the table – on time, plentiful and delicious. Donald, who is from Grenada, is getting so excited about getting to his island that he is having trouble sleeping. Captain gave a discussion on the Caribbean describing the broad strokes of the culture, geography, and history. It got everyone pretty excited about our upcoming leg of the voyage. However, before we get too excited about palm trees and rum punch, we have another week of sailing here to enjoy. Right now we are 50 miles off Cabo Orange, French Guiana going 7.5 knots in the right direction. Squall are still around and it is overcast but right now it is dry and the sailing is great. It’s easy to take the days for granted on a long passage like this one. The inherent repetition of being at sea for weeks on end makes time blur together. But we have had a great passage so far from St Helena and the crew is looking forward to the next week as we hopefully break back into the sunshine. Soon come! 

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