Day’s Run – May 12, 2024

Date:  12 May 2024
Sailing from: St. Helena
Bound towards: Grenada, West Indies
Noon position: 03°48.1’N 049°00.9′ W
Course: NNW
Speed: 5.1 knots
Wind force and direction: Force 4 ENE
Seas/swell: 2m NExE
Barometer: 1015
Sky: 8/8 cu, cn
Water temperature: 82.5°F
Distance made good in 24 hours: 122nm
Passage log: 3,164nm
Voyage log: 26,413nm
Distance to next port: 901nm
Remarks: The colour of the water has changed from crystal clear blue to deep green. The Captain says we are seeing the effects of the Amazon river delta and the unimaginable amount of fresh water being pumped into the ocean every day. We are also on the edge of the continental shelf; on starboard side it is 2,000 ft deep quickly dropping to 10,000. On port it is 300 feet leveling out to 50 feet sixty miles to the west. We are in alternating calms and patches of wind, but have been averaging a good speed. The weather horizon is clear again now, time to set the light wind sails and catch some more speed.  Rain squalls on the horizon. Making 6.6 knots just now. Not bad.

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