Day’s Run-September 12th, 2023

Date: 12 September 2023

Sailing from: Mangareva

Bound towards: Tahiti

Noon position: 17°41.2’S 146°02.4’W

Course: N1/2W

Speed: 5.3 knots

Wind force and direction: Force 4 SSE

Seas/swell: 3m SExS

Barometer: 1019 Raising

Sky: 5/8 st, stcu, cu

Water temperature: 77.5°F

Distance made good in 24 hours: 129nm

Passage log: 767nm

Voyage log: 8874nm

Distance to next port: 206nm

Sails set: Outer jib, Inner jib, Fore topmast staysail, Fore T’gallant, Fore Upper topsail, Fore Lower topsail, Fore sail, Main topmast staysail, Main T’gallant, Main Upper topsail, Main Lower topsail, Main sail

Remarks: Very good sailing along towards Tahiti. Brass ship’s bells getting polished for the first time in a long time. Looks nice – for about five minutes. Plenty of seas giving us a bit of a rock and roll time but not bad at all. Captain going to give a talk on Tahiti this afternoon on the quarterdeck. New crew Marie-Helene, Mike and others getting the hang of steering this ship. All is pretty good.

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