The Captain's Log

Picton Castle Captain and his crew post of their travels around the world.

Day's Run

Day’s Run – 31 March, 2016

Gorgeous day!  It’s warm but not too hot with a steady force 5 breeze just abaft the starboard beam and we’re flying along.  Switched out …

Day's Run

Day’s Run – 30 March, 2016

The wind has eased off and faired a little so the Captain ordered more sail set: we rigged the studdingsail gear and set the topmast …

Transatlantic Voyage 2015

Captain’s Log – Caribbean Part I: Martinique to Dominica

Written by Purser Kate (Bob) Addison 23 March, 2016 The Caribbean feels like a sailor’s reward at the end of a long voyage.  It is …

Day's Run

Day’s Run – 29 March 2016

Still sailing north in almost perfect weather – Donald says he brought the nice weather with him from the Caribbean and it’s going to stay with …

Day's Run

Day’s Run – 28 March, 2016

PICTON CASTLE sailed off the dock at St. Martin this morning. We hove-to just long enough to get the anchor on the rail and the …

Day's Run

Day’s Run – 23 March, 2016

Saw whales blow off the starboard bows this afternoon – we didn’t get close enough to identify them, but it seemed like there were more …

Day's Run

Day’s Run – 22 March, 2016

The wind has been variable as we make our way between the islands, so there’s been heaps of sail handling, taking in and setting royals …

Day's Run

Day’s Run – 21 March, 2016

The rebuild of KARL, our wooden project boat from Palmerston Island in the Cook Islands, South Pacific, had twin objectives: to get the gang involved …

Day's Run

Day’s Run – 20 March, 2016

North bound in the Caribbean Sea, all sails set and the sun is shining.  Bound from Grenada for Anguilla, we’re sailing inside the curve of …

Day's Run

Day’s Run – 11 March, 2016

Sailing MONOMOY yesterday from Union Island over to Petite Martinique in company with PICTON CASTLE – we even had time for a swim at the …

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