Picton Castle's Bosun School
Advance your skills without the distraction of the sea...
There is nothing better than real sea time under sail to gain experience and the skills of a mariner. But sometimes on these hard working ships there is little time to focus on particular advanced skills, such as wire work and sailmaking. And rarely does the opportunity roll around to actually help rig a ship from the keel up or lay a sail out with a professional sailmaker.
The purpose of The Bosun School is to provide an opportunity for developing mariners to advance their skill levels in a concentrated focused fashion, without the demands and complications of being underway at sea. By being part of Bosun School you will advance your skills markedly, improving your chances at the best berths in good ships of your choice. Once signed aboard your next ship you will have that much more to offer and will be a greater contributor to helping the ship on her mission which is, after all, what being crew is all about. And you will probably enjoy your seafaring more
Sling your seabag over the rail this summer and join us in learning rigging, advanced rope-work, wire seizings, wire splicing, basic sailmaking and repair, parceling and serving, and making wire rigging as if you had a whole ship to rig. We will tackle ship and boat caulking & pitching, how to paint a ship in one day, varnish work, tar and oil mixtures, proper bosun chair work and more! We will heavily emphasize small boat maintenance and operations, as well as small boat launching, sailing and recovery in Lunenburg’s fine harbour. Dip your arms in Stockholm Tar, learn tons, have fun, flesh out your resume, sail more than you have before, and meet marine artisans and craftspeople with generations of ship work behind them. When you join your next vessel, or whatever comes next, you’ll take with you an enriched set of skills and abilities and most importantly, a can-do attitude.
Build Skills and Tools...

For three months, you’ll be living aboard a 300-ton ship at our wharf in downtown Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, home of the legendary Schooners BLUENOSE and BLUENOSE II as well as the globe-girdling Barque PICTON CASTLE. Our wharf and warehouse are within walking distance to everything you’ll need or want (ie. internet, phone, laundry, post office, and grocery store).
As well as building skills as a mariner you will get a chance to learn about wide-ranging aspects of the marine industry and sailing opportunities. We will be making field trips to sail lofts, boat building shops, machine shops, dry docks, lobster and fishing vessels. This experience in Lunenburg will provide networking contacts for sailing opportunities.
Enrollment is limited. This program was originally set up for younger folks with some previous experience on boats or in vessels. However, if you have no experience at all, write up a compelling case for your participation and we will consider it. Now Bosun School is also open to mature man and women as well, who seek to add to their nautical skill sets and expand their horizons, and who get along well with younger folks.
Upon completion of the course, mariners will receive a letter of completion from the program, including a professional evaluation from the Bosun School leadership.
Instruction and practice will be Mondays through mid-day most Saturdays.
This is a real live-aboard program with all students having actual watch-standing training and duties. There will be designated basic duties onboard at all times during the course of this program, including the evenings and on weekends.

Bosun School 2025: June 9 to September 7
The Bosun School starts off…
Every mariner, every good skipper or ship captain, mate or deckhand should also be a “Bosun at heart”. ‘Bosun’ is the common abbreviation for Boatswain, an ancient term for the seaman in charge of a ship’s hull and rigging and organising crew for ships work and sailing. We start with an introduction to what being a “Bosun” really means, and an orientation to the ship, the boats, the warehouse, the systems, and what we will be doing in the program. This includes Basic Safety considerations with respect to living on the water on the ship at the wharf, emergency procedures, resources, etc. It’s also about the psychology and philosophy of Bosuneering; “it ain’t just riggin’…” There is a lot to learn before we get to rigging. We will discuss operating ships and small craft under sail and power and obtaining the Canadian Pleasure Craft Operator Card prior to sailing and operating the many small craft available to us.
What one can expect from this summer of Bosuneering includes:
Keeping the Ship, Clean, neat, and sorted
- It all begins with keeping the vessel “Ship Shape and Bristol Fashion”. How to clean, stow, organize, and keep track of your ship’s gear. This is the beginning and the end of every day for a Bosun in a ship. This is the ‘Prime Directive”
Paints, Oils, Tar, and Goops – the Paint Locker
- We all love rigging, but keeping the ship clean and organized are the Prime Directives of the Bosun, and painting and coatings are the primary agendas of the Bosun.
- Prep, organization, coatings, and clean up
- Cleaning the paintbrush, a lost skill of the past, but get good at it.
- Oil the decks, Why and how? How and why?
- Keeping the paint locker from catching fire
- Hazardous materials handling safety and disposal protocols
Rigging and Rigging Tools:
- Working aloft safely. Critical thinking, training and practice
- Rope, what is it?
- Types of rope
- Marlinspikes, knives, fids, wire splicing vices and clamps, serving mallets, serving boards, hammers, and bigger hammers
- The nature of rope and rope work; fibre splices (long, short, cable, eye, sailmakers, etc)
- Fibre seizings
- Parceling and serving
- Ratlines and ratline splices
- Running rigging,
- Tackles, blocks, etc
- Care and feeding of blocks
- Wire splicing
- Large hawser splicing; shroud laid, eight-braid etc
- Handling heavy gear on deck and aloft
- Sending yards and topmasts aloft safely
- Rigs, rigging theory
- Setting up the rig, rigging screws, staying the spars; how and why
- Rig surveying, maintenance and repair
Small Craft
Competency in small craft is an essential skill of any mariner. The decisions, choices, and planning required in operating a small craft are the same as those of being a skipper of a large vessel. We have on hand a broad range of small craft including skiffs, dories, row boats, small sailboats, dug-out canoes, south seas copra cutters, sloops, and even a small schooner. After basic training and with PCOC Cards in hand in good weather, you will have access to these boats to build skills. Some people actually think that this is fun! Commercial boat operators in the area may have a spot for some of the crew to help broaden your experience and further build your mariner skills.
We encourage small craft handling every day that weather permits. Small boats and plenty of them. Any mariner worth anything is a small boat master.
Anchors, chain, and windlasses
- Anchors, chain & rodes, depth considerations, depth and anchor scope calculations, stern anchors, and anchoring yachts, small boats, and ships will be examined. Practice in small craft and anchor tricks. How a windlass works, how a capstan works, making them work, anchor windlass substitutes. Instruction, dissection, and practice. Anchor chain maintenance and markings. Lead lines, of course.
Caulking – You Gotta Keep The Water Out
It is difficult to get training in caulking today. But it is not a mystery. We will not make you a professional caulker but after this you can do the job. Your future captains will be pleased at this.
- Small craft boat caulking (don’t overdo it)
- Heavy plank ship caulking(don’t underdo it)
- Oakum, cotton, ropes, and rags
- Pitch and putty and things in a tube
Damage Control and Quick Repairs
Our object in seamanship is to avoid breaking or damaging things. But when things do go pear-shaped a mariner needs to know how to fix things with available materials. And make sure these are on hand.
- Damage control (including simple firefighting techniques)
- Concrete work
- Fishing a spar
- Fothering a hole
- Making a temporary new spar for a yacht or a ship
- Making a sail last the passage and other sacrileges
- Fibreglass and duct tape
Miscellaneous Subjects
- Sailing ship handling theory and techniques
- Motor vessel handling under power
- Mooring a vessel to a wharf
- Moorings in a harbour
- Development of sailing ship rigs
Engineering Concentration for select students:
- Basic engine room diesels and pumps
- Basic electrical and wiring
- Tools and fittings
- Batteries
- Plumbing and bilge systems
- Damage control and emergency repairs
Getting to Sea
- CVs, resumes, cover letters, and follow-up – do’s and don’ts
- What is out there for seafaring opportunities? Commercial, yachts, tall ships, etc.
- Organizations, Associations, websites, and professional resources online for the modern mariner
Frequently Asked Questions
In order to apply for Bosun School, please send your CV and a letter to [email protected] that tells us more about you, your seagoing experience and your motivation for wanting to become a Bosun School student. For more information on the School, please call us at +1 902 634 9984 or send us an email.
This program was originally set up for younger folks with some previous experience on boats or in vessels. However, if you have no experience at all, write up a compelling case for your participation and we will consider it. Now Bosun School is also open to mature man and women as well, who seek to add to their nautical skill sets and expand their horizons, and who get along well with younger folks.
Bosun School is based in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada on the waterfront. Although the program is land-based training, you will live aboard a ship docked at our 174 Bluenose Drive wharf.
If you are accepted to Bosun School, we will send you a welcome letter that contains a full list of suggested items to pack and bring with you.
Keep in mind that your personal storage space is limited to your bunk and storage locker!
Tuition for thus Bosun School is $8,6000 plus 15% HST = $9,890 for the three months program all inclusive.
Significant scholarships are available for those under 30 years old with compelling career track ambitions and/or credentials – inquire and apply
Late arrivals can be accepted.
Call or email with any questions – [email protected]
If you have any questions about Bosun School, or if you would like more information please get in touch! You can email us at [email protected] or call us at 1-902-634-9984.