Fresh to strong northeasterly trade winds and a strong Brazilian current are sending us on our way. Pretty lumpy seas, no doubt due in part to bounce back off the coast to the leeward. Flying jib, outer jib, fore t’gallant, mainsail, spanker and upper staysails are taken in. Steering is pretty good though.
Date: April 20, 2019
From: St Helena Island, South Atlantic Ocean
Towards: Grenada, West Indies
Noon position: 02°-03′ North Latitude / 047°-18′ West Longitude
Course and speed: northwesterly at 6-7 knots under reduced sail
Wind force and direction: force 5+ northeasterly winds
Seas/swell: rough confused northeasterly seas of 2-3+ metres
Barometer: 1016 and steady
Sky: cloudy, warm
Water temperature: 28.1C – 82F
Distance made good in 24 hours: 155 nautical miles
Passage log: 2,645 nautical miles
Voyage log: 24,447 nautical miles
Distance to next port: 1,044 nautical miles as the current takes us