Day’s Run – 2 February 2019

A fine sailing day at sea. Seas diminished, wind faired, yards almost squared, sparkling seas and nothing but blue sky. In sailmaking, the new spanker is almost done with Tammy roping and John stitching cringles. Spot painting in the dry weather, easy sailing as we head across the Mozambique Channel. Excellent rices bought at Reunion find their way to the meal tables. For the dedicated, sextants out in force to catch the sun, Mates and Captain fine-tuning plans for the Cape Town visit. Workshop yesterday was on serving rigging, and today’s will be to get a start on turks heads, rope mats and fancy ropework. Saturday at sea might include a few naps too. Cats playing in the scuppers with small bits of marlin.

From: Reunion

Towards:  Cape Town, South Africa

Date: Sat Feb 2nd, 2019

Noon Position: 26° 38’S x 046°50’E

Course + Speed: Swly + 5.5 kts

Wind direction + Force: ESE at 4

Swell Height: 2-3m

Weather: sunny, partly cloudy

Day’s Run: 123 nautical miles

Passage Log: 585 nautical miles

Distance to Port: 1,532 nautical miles

Voyage: 18,312 nautical miles

Sails Set: all sail except spanker

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