An absolutely beautiful South Pacific tradewind day. All sails set, sailing mile after mile, in the groove.
Gorgeous blue sky filled with puffy cotton-like clouds surrounding the ship and sea. Sounds of rust busting steel rails on the foc’sle, scraping and sanding Fijian mahogany pinrails on the quarterdeck, brushing on varnish and paint and sawing wood all echo throughout the ship today. The sailmakers are spread out on the sunny quarterdeck, needles in hand, seaming and roping two royals. The rigging gang finished off the last of the servings on the fore t’gallant footropes and re-secured them to the yard. The rig rat Lars of Norway continued his parceling work on the fore mast rigging, as Valerie of British Columbia spent her morning tarring the headrig. At 1252 ship’s time all sextants were in the hands of eager navi-guessers taking a noon sight.
This afternoon will be the last in the series of ditty bag workshops, soon everyone on board should have a canvas ditty bag completed and deeper understanding of basic sailmaking – always a rewarding task, and it provides a great storage bag for a sailor’s tools. Sunday is the Seamanship Competition, consisting of rope work, pin rail chases, boxing the compass, and most importantly the costume contest. Here’s hoping the judges accept bribes, the teams may need to muster up some alternative methods in order to come out on top.
From: Galapagos
Towards: Pitcairn
Date: June 29 2018
Noon Position: 08°55.4’S x 102°28.4’W
Course + Speed: SW 1/2 S + 4.8′
Wind direction + Force: SExE + 3
Swell Height + Direction: 2m + ESE
Weather: Bright, Sunny
Day’s Run: 108.3nm
Passage Log: 115.5nm
Distance to Port: 1842nm
Voyage: 4326.2nm
Sail Set: All sails