DATE: Dec 28th, 2014
BOUND FROM: Reunion Island, France, Indian Ocean
TOWARDS: Cape Town, South Africa, Atlantic Ocean
NOON POSITION: 33°07.9’S /028°34.3’E
DAYS RUN: 210 nm
WIND: Wind Force 1, Variable
WEATHER: Rain, overcast, visibility moderate, barometer 1018 millibars and steady
SWELL HEIGHT & DIRECTION: ESE 2-3m swell and confused seas is making for a lumpy ride
SAILS SET: Took in all sail at the midday change of the watch to steam through this patch of light and variable winds.
SHIPS WORK: Sunday at sea and rainy weather so no ship’s work happening today. The wind has been very variable as we move between the different weather systems and start to feel the effects of the African continent on wind and currents, so the watches have been kept busy setting and taking in sail as the wind eases and fills and bracing round to meet the wind. The watches are slick and colourful in their wet weather gear. But at least it’s not cold.
REMARKS: Land ho! The coast of Africa is looming off our starboard beam and has been all day. At 0900 we were just 31nm east of Cape Morgan. It’s hard to believe the smudge on the horizon is a whole continent right there, though it does looks bigger than your average South Pacific island. Twenty or more dolphins came out to ride the bow wave this afternoon to the delight of the crew – we think we spotted common dolphin and rissos dolphin. Lots of sea birds too.