Date: June 21, 2024
Ship’s Position: 14°44.5’N, 061°10.6’W – At anchor in Sandy Ground, Road Bay, Anguilla
Weather: 88°F partly cloudy
Remarks: To make sure everyone was nice and awake this morning, all hands went to the windlass to heave up the anchor right after breakfast. Swell had been coming and and building around the point to our north. The Captain wanted to shift the ship to a less rolly part of the anchorage and now we are sitting much better. The off watch then got ready to go ashore and starboard watch started the work day. The two big projects today were oiling the starboard side decks and working on the new course. The perfect time for oiling is around 10am when the decks have already been heated up by the sun and will soak in the linseed oil faster. And with the afternoon ahead they dry better in the sun. We were done by lunch and then the deck had the rest of the day to dry. Now the quarterdeck is varnished and the rest of the decks have a coat of oil so we are in pretty good shape. Sara, Amelia, George, and Diane were part of the sailmaking factory today finishing the foot covering, seizing the boltrope of the head on, passing robands on the head grommets and splicing on the earring lashing line. It will be ready for bending very shortly. Line, Ollie and Ansleigh went sailing in Sea Never Dry and they were looking very tropical sailing with her beautiful rig (Norwegian sail, Senegal hull) amongst the colorful houses that dot the shoreline along Sandy Ground where we are anchored. Now it is time for a swim call and some delicious local pork that we were given and that Donald has been roasting up all day.