Day’s Run – May 18, 2024

Date:  18 May 2024
Sailing from: St. Helena
Bound towards: Grenada, West Indies
Noon position: 12°19.1’N 061°06.8′ W
Course: NNW
Speed: 7.8 knots
Wind force and direction: Force 5 ENE
Seas/swell:  3m E
Barometer: 1016
Sky: 4/8
Water temperature: 82.1°F
Distance made good in 24 hours: 186nm
Passage log: 4,058nm
Voyage log: 27,307nm
Distance to next port: 29nm
Remarks: Land Ho! What a sight after 31 days at sea. The peak of Petite Martinique was sighted shortly after lunch. The long body of Carriacou came into sight shortly after. Petit St. Vincent lies to the north of Petite Martinique and is a private island with a resort on it. Lots of little huts and perfectly spaced palm trees along the beach. A regatta is underway in the channel and around the islands and we are attracting small sailboats that are trying to catch up with us. Their small fore and aft rigs don’t have a chance against our full stack of canvas braced square. The sun is shining, bright puffy cumulus clouds fly over head. You can almost hear the Bob Marley drifting from the nearest bar. All hands will be rustled up soon to maneuver the ship around the north side of the island and to anchor. What a beautiful day to arrive in the Caribbean.
We sailed around the north end of Carriacou, braced up sharp, sailed around Jackadan island (more just a big rock), took in sail and let go the anchor after 4,000 miles at sea – a truly outstanding passage under sail for us. Now for some Caribbean time!

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