Day’s Run – January 15, 2024

Date: 15 January 2024

Sailing from: Serangan, Bali

Bound towards: Reunion

Noon position: 15’58’S 074’39.8’E

Course: WxN

Speed: 2.7 knots

Wind force and direction: Force 2 ExS

Seas/swell: 1m SExE

Barometer: 1016 Steady

Sky: 2/8 cu, st

Water temperature: 82’F

Distance made good in 24 hours: 64nm

Passage log: 2,550nm

Voyage log: 17,744nm

Distance to next port: 1,143nm

Sails set: Outer jib, Inner jib, Fore Royal, Fore T’gallant, Fore Upper topsail, Fore Lower topsail, Fore sail, Main topmast staysail, Main T’gallant staysail, Main Royal, Main T’gallant, Main Upper topsail, Main Lower topsail, Main sail, Spanker

Remarks: Christiane is working on roping a new lower topsail, Sophia and Ash scrape the fore fife rail, Clara stitches new chafe gear on the main t’gallant shrouds. Alex is hitching in some new hemp ratlines on the main shrouds. Sailing along in pretty weather and light winds. Small seas and sunny skies.

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