Day’s Run – January 11, 2024

Date: 11 January 2024

Sailing from: Serangan, Bali

Bound towards: Reunion

Noon position: 17’06.6’S 078’57.1’E

Course: WxN

Speed: 4.8 knots

Wind force and direction: Force 3 SE

Seas/swell: 2m SExS

Barometer: 1015 Steady

Sky: 3/8 cu

Water temperature: 80.8’F

Distance made good in 24 hours: 117nm

Passage log: 2,225nm

Voyage log: 17,419nm

Distance to next port: 1,364nm

Sails set: Inner jib, Fore royal, Fore T’gallant, Fore Upper topsail, Fore Lower topsail, Fore sail, Main Royal, Main T’gallant, Main Upper topsail, Main Lower topsail, Main sail

Remarks: Hot and sunny day with fair winds on the port quarter. George and Rosalie tar the fore shrouds, Violet and Ryan tar the main shrouds. Zoe varnishes the starboard charthouse handrail. Sara, Toad, Ben, and Christiane work a noon sight, Spring varnishes the monomoy’s oars. Line teaches ratline seizings, Dustin cleans up four sextants for use. Dirk ropes the new lower topsail. Donald toils away in the galley – all’s well.

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