Our stout blue-water barque is snugly, contentedly and safely moored to the welcoming wharves of Adams & Knickle scallop fishing company here in late January. Our own wharf is condemned as we await to hear of plans for renewal. Picton Castle, Bosun School and other working waterfront marine enterprises depend on this wharf.

A visiting fishing vessel and the PICTON CASTLE at the wharves of Adams & Knickle on a winters day in Lunenburg January 2025
We are having a cold old-fashioned winter this year. Bitter NW winds, driving snow and icy roads, split up by days of calm and not so cold – but its still winter. The cats Riki and Tea are restless being cooped up onboard, but they are warm and well looked after by our Bosun School ship keeper, Ally, doing a great job. The topgallant and royals (and spanker gaff and boom) are down and under cover. The ship is clean and fully winterized with all water pipes drained, anti-freeze in the engines and where needed under the watchful eye of our outstanding engineer Julien. many mooring lines are checked daily. The big port anchor is out dug well into the harbour to take the load off the wharf during strong SE gales and seas, making the ship more secure. Chief Cook and senior ships officer Donald reports from his home in Grenada in the Eastern Caribbean that all is nice and warm where he is. Funny guy! At home the wood stove is chuckling along.
We are also looking to the future, near term and well ahead. Lets get started.
New Start to the Pacific Voyage and Tall Ships 2026
We have postponed the start of the planned voyage to the sweet tradewinds and blue waters of the Caribbean and South Pacific Ocean until this coming autumn. And have dropped the plan to make a rounding of Cape Horn in order to allow for more time passage-making in tropical waters, to immerse our crew more in trade-wind sailing and to roam among some amazing islands in the balmy South Pacific. We also want to have the PICTON CASTLE back along the coast of North America summer 2026 in time for what promises to be quite the epic gatherings of the worlds Tall Ships in various ports to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the founding of the United States. Plans are well along for this series of Tall Ship port celebrations. The new adjusted routing will be posted here soon, and will include Panama, Galapagos, Pitcairn Island and much of French Polynesia.

The Barque PICTON CASTLE in her favoured environment, at sea, under sail, teaching the ways of a ship
This change in plans allows us to host Bosun School this coming summer as well. I for one find BOSUN SCHOOL so rewarding. It is such a fine thing to watch our apprentice mariners blossom as they work hard to acquire the critical skills of the experienced seafarer, then afterwards head off to apply and grow these skills for wherever the students want to head, and for whatever comes next. Placement in the next ship for our former students has been 100%. Bosun Schoolers are in demand.

Crew aloft learning the ropes
This year there will be a serious emphasis on ships rigging; the making and installation of heavy standing rigging. Measuring, preparing, serving, wire seizing, splicing big pieces of heavy steel wire. Sending yards and spars up and down safely with our own ships gear. The best way. In addition to the myriad other subjects and as always, plenty small boat ‘care and feeding’ and handling every day we can. And opportunities to get out on other working craft. Also looking taking a small schooner from lay up, through a spring refit and re-rigging, launching and sailing. Should be fun and will be very rewarding. It is pretty sweet sailing around these parts.

All hands in the boats!

And off again, rolling down the tradewinds in the PICTON CASTLE