Two weeks after the Barque Picton Castle sailed in at the end of this world circumnavigation, our wonderful Bosun School kicked in and students arrived in Lunenburg.
Bosun School is our land-based, marine skills enrichment, for aspiring mariners. We love doing it. Whether you want to set off in a tall ship, get a job in a big schooner or tugboats, or with the idea to gain skills to be a better more confident recreational boater, Bosun School is good for you. The idea is that we can concentrate on specific hard (and soft) skill sets without the demands of going to sea and standing sea watches. Also, being in a forgiving environment we can allow students to “fail” at a task in order to learn from that. “Failure” can be such a great teacher. This we cannot do at sea. No failure at sea is acceptable.
We have a small gang of eight this time. They are from Denmark, Germany, Bermuda, the USA and Canada. Their backgrounds run from almost no experience to merchant marine mates, to sailors from large European square-riggers and North American schooner sailors as well. And they are all doing great. A lovely gang.
Here is an abbreviated account of what they have been up to:
- Basic ropework
- Basic coatings
- Safe going and working aloft
- gangways
- Watch standing protocols
- Small boat handling
- Studying for and acquiring their Canada Pleasure Craft Operators certificate
- Mooring a ship
- Handling the anchor windlass
- Handling the capstan
- Tackles and blocks
- Chafe gear
- Varnishing
- Boat overhauling
- Moving heavy things around safely
- Getting and keeping a ship clean
- Tools; care and use
- Oh, yes, and galley time as well. Good to be good in the galley.
- And sea chanties on board with the Shantymen of Mahone Bay
- And getting out in local working boats, visits to the fisheries museum and the waterfront.
Coming up:
- Basic firefighting
- Wire rigging
- How to manage hospitality aboard at a tallship event
- Mousings
- Looking after the rig
- Sending yards down safely with our gear
- And more, given time.