Date: June 6, 2024
Position: 14°44.5’N / 061°10.6’W – At Anchor in Saint Pierre, Martinique
Days run: 104nm
Weather: 90°F, sunny. Moderate E’ly breeze
Water: 83°F
Remarks: The sky was clear and the stars dazzlingly bright throughout the passage overnight. The lights of St. Lucia came and went and Martinique appeared on the horizon after sunrise. We had a good sailing breeze and kept her full and by the wind. At noon we were in light airs seven miles west of our anchorage in St Pierre. All sail came in and the engine fired up to get us the last little stretch to the island. Martinique is a volcanic island, and the bottom drops off very quickly, meaning that we had to anchor very close to shore. Nice for a short skiff rid to the jetty. The anchor is holding well, three shots at the water, and the watch on duty has the deck.