Date: June 5, 2024
Position: 13°00.5’N / 061°14.6’W – At Anchor in Admiralty Bay, Bequia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Weather: 84°F, partly cloudy
Water: 82°F
Remarks: At Bequia the morning was spent stowing for sea. The Captain cleared out ashore and we loosed all sail. With the fore yards braced up on a starboard tack, the anchor was hauled off the bottom and her bow fell off to starboard with the outer jib backed to port. We set sail in a fresh breeze, clearing the northern headlands of Bequia with St Vincent coming up fast on the starboard bow. It was sunny and we were cruising at 6.5 knots enjoying the lush views of the island. We shortened sail for the night, taking in royals and flying jib, and enjoyed the red sunset over the Caribbean Sea.