Day’s Run – May 10, 2024

Date: 10 May 2024
Sailing from: St. Helena
Bound towards: Grenada, West Indies
Noon position: 01°19.7’N 045°34.7′ W
Course: NxW 1/2 W
Speed: 5.7 knots
Wind force and direction: Force 4 ENE
Seas/swell:  2m ExN
Barometer: 1014
Sky: 5/8 ac, st, ci
Water temperature: 83.4°F
Distance made good in 24 hours: 138nm
Passage log: 2,907nm
Voyage log: 26,156nm
Distance to next port: 1,165nm
Remarks: Yesterday Picton Castle welcomed Neptune, Davy Jones, and the esteemed members of the royal court aboard to cleanse the ship of pollywogs. We are now a crew of shellbacks, the cats included. The day was as fair as one could hope for, lending itself to an outrageous ceremony and fun celebration of entering back into the northern hemisphere. But this isn’t the only event worth celebrating. One year ago today the ship cast off her last line from the Lunenburg dock and set sail for the tropics and beyond. It is a day of reflection for how far we have come (over 26,000 miles!), the amazing places we have visited, and all the generous and friendly people we have met along the way.

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