Day’s Run – April 10, 2024

Date: 10 April 2024

Sailing from: Luderitz, Namibia

Bound towards: St. Helena

Noon position: 17°44.5’S 002°13.8′ E

Course: NWxW 1/2 W

Speed: 5.4 knots

Wind force and direction: Force 4 SExS

Seas/swell: 3m SE

Barometer: 1018 Steady

Sky: 6/8 Cu, St

Water temperature: 75°F

Distance made good in 24 hours: 130nm

Passage log: 1,189nm

Voyage log: 23,062nm

Distance to next port: 228nm Remarks: With the sun making frequent apperences it is time to continue with varnish and oil work. Line leads the gang on the quarterdeck scuffing and scraping sea chests, pin rails, cap rail, and binnacle. Julien has been making great progress in the engine room painting the overhead, it is looking quite tidy down there nowadays. Ollie, Dee, Benita, Eric, and Spring shoot noon and have a class about reducing a noon sight. Later this afternoon we will have a workshop on wearing ship and then swing her head onto the other tack.

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