Day’s Run – April 9, 2024

Date: 9 April 2024

Sailing from: Luderitz, Namibia

Bound towards: St. Helena

Noon position: 17°36.5’S 000°00.4′ E

Course: NWxW

Speed: 5.4 knots

Wind force and direction: Force 4 SSE

Seas/swell: 3m SE

Barometer: 1019 Steady

Sky: 6/8 Cu, Cn

Water temperature: 75°F

Distance made good in 24 hours: 131nm

Passage log: 1,059nm

Voyage log: 22,932nm

Distance to next port: 343nm

Remarks: The stars made a brief appearence last night on the mid watch, a welcome sight from the blanket of clouds that have been surrounding us for most of this passage. During the day we were thinking of friends and family back home in North America watching the solar eclipse and what an amazing sight that must be. The south Atlantic lay completely outside of its path. A very exciting milestone happened today at 1206: we crossed the Prime Meridian! The bell was rung and cheers for entering the western hemisphere arose. The last time we were in this hemisphere was October 16th sailing from Tonga to Fiji. That seems like a lifetime ago. Crossing the meridian gives perspective on just how far we have come on this voyage. Royals are set and the sailing is sweet…

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