Day’s Run – February 9, 2024

Date: 09 February 2024

Sailing from: Reunion

Bound towards: Cape Town, South Africa

Noon position: 24°43.5’S 050°29.5’E

Course: SWxW1/2W

Speed: 4.2 knots

Wind force and direction: Force 3 SExE

Seas/swell: 3m ExS

Barometer: 1019 Steady

Sky: 3/8 cu, st

Water temperature: 78°F

Distance made good in 24 hours: 103nm

Passage log: 369nm

Voyage log: 19,307nm

Distance to next port: 1,764nm

Sails set: All sail set

Remarks: A sunny Friday at sea. Spring, Sara, Ben and Christiane work a noon sight. Alex works on chafe gear in the head rig, Julian tars the mizzen mast. Donald makes a wonderful potato curry for lunch. Sailing along nicely with a fair breeze. Have a head current now we are just sailing out of. Lots of BIG ships on our track. Cooling slightly. Crossed out of the tropics yesterday.

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