Day’s Run – January 8, 2024

Date: 8 January 2023

Sailing from: Serangan, Bali

Bound towards: Reunion

Noon position: 15’54.2’S 084’20.8’E

Course: WSW

Speed: 3.4 knots

Wind force and direction: Force 2 SExE

Seas/swell: 2m SE

Barometer: 1016 Steady

Sky: 1/8 cu

Water temperature: 80.8’F

Distance made good in 24 hours: 83nm

Passage log: 1,899nm

Voyage log: 17,093nm

Distance to next port: 1,684nm

Sails set:Inner jib, Fore Royal, ForeT’gallant, Fore Upper topsail, Fore Lower topsail, Fore sail, Main topmast staysail, Main Royal, Main T’gallant, Main Upper topsail, Main Lower topsail, Main sail

Remarks: Back at it on Monday. Ben greases the main upper topsail and t’gallant lifts, Spring scrapes the monomoys oars, Alex cuts-in the white wire sezings recently repainted, Leo preps the port pin rail for oil. Air temp is 28’C. Dan removes the port mizzen pinrail wood for overhauling. Lighter winds, but nice and sweet sailing. Hands steer the ship, lookouts keep lookout, food comes out of the galley, seas are small. Yesterday a discussion on the the whys and wherefors of looking for, finding and refitting the Picton Castle since 1991. Today, we will tackle tackles…..

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