Sailing From Bali

December 23 – finally got going out of Bali at 1700. Planned for a 1300 departure from Serangan. Any number of delays: changing main engine oil, disposing of old oil, clearance papers, passports back, last minute this and that. All hands aboard, engine fired up, let go moorings with Freddy’s help, and out into the Indian Ocean we steamed in light headwinds, a blue-hole of calm conditions. But it was still good to put to sea and feel a sea swell beneath us once again – and cooler too.

December 24 – Xmas eve. Light winds motoring, shut down the main engine in afternoon to set up the Christmas tree. All went nice then got rained out by a squall.

December 25, Christmas Day – Not much of a breeze but shut down the main engine in the afternoon anyway. Set sail and drifted… About 1600 Santa showed up (looked a lot like Toad) then Dawson and Leo distributed the mountain of presents under the tree. A big steak dinner. Under sail. Minke whales brought Santa.

December 26, Boxing Day – Given that we have been flat out getting out of Bali, decided to have a chill day today. Day comes in with a light but usable southerly breeze and clear skies. Set remaining sail and braced up sharpest making westing at 3-3.5 knots. Not bad. Donald makes breakfast and others take over lunch and dinner. He too needs some time off. Here is hoping for a good sailing passage.

December 27-  Overcast and small seas, winds building slowly into Force 4 in the afternoon. Discussion on the passage, what to expect, workshops, weather, weather, stun’sls. We have a stomach bug going around, how to reduce. Most likely we will all share in this eventually.

December 28 – Winds nice, fresh enough on port beam, making 6 knots. Putty quarterdeck seams, scrape and prep main shroud rigging seizings, gearing up to rope a new topsail, some sheet pennants getting overhauled. Main awning in. A bit cooler, seas making up a bit as would be expected with good winds.

December 29, 30, 31, New Year’s Eve – All going along well, winds abaft the port beam. Deck work plugging along except on half day Saturday and Sunday. New crew fitting in nicely. At midnight shot off some old flares to mark the moment. Rachel learning to rope. Many navigators on the quarterdeck with sextants. Sailing very well, a steady 6-7 knots in nice conditions.

January 1, 2024 – Rolling our way down these tradewinds. Had a sharp squall last night, something new. We have many days ahead so we called today a holiday. But steering, cooking, lookout and workshops continue. Today more ropework by Bosun Line for the newbies and rigging harness review later. Each and every single device calculated to add to our safety, can actually make things worse if used incorrectly. ANYTHING (radar, life jackets, chart plotters, you name it) can be bad, or do harm if used inappropriately. So let’s start 2024 off on the right foot.

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