Day’s Run – December 28, 2023

Date: 28 December 2023

Sailing from: Serangan, Bali

Bound towards: Reunion

Noon position: 11’32.8’S 107’24.2’E

Course: W

Speed: 5.2 knots

Wind force and direction: Force 4 SxW

Seas/swell: 3m SxE

Barometer: 1016 Steady

Sky: 3/8 cu, st, stcu

Water temperature: 83’F

Distance made good in 24 hours: 124nm

Passage log: 512nm

Voyage log: 15,713nm

Distance to next port: 3,052nm

Sails set: Flying jib, Outer jib, Inner jib, Fore topmast staysail, Fore Royal, Fore T’gallant, Fore Upper topsail, Fore Lower topsail, Fore sail, Main topmast staysail, Main T’gallant staysail, Main Royal, Main T’gallant, Main Upper topsail, Main Lower topsail, Main sail, Spanker

Remarks: Wind builds overnight, sea builds with it. Ryan and Liam overhaul the fish tackle that has been sent down for the passage, Lyra overhauls the wire fore topmast staysail sheet pennants. Line, Clara and Rosalie pay the quarterdeck seams with putty. Edmund and Benny clean up rigging seizings. A beautiful sunny tradewind day and rolling along at almost 7 knots. Bosun Line teaching knots and running rigging to the new crew.

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