Day’s Run – December 1, 2023

Date: 1 December 2023

Sailing from: Luganville, Vanuatu

Bound towards: Bali, Indonesia

Noon position: 10°37.7’S 139°27.4’E

Course: WxN1/4N

Speed: 7 knots

Wind force and direction: Force 1 NW

Barometer: 1013

Sky: 4/8 ac, cu, ci

Water temperature: 83°F

Distance made good in 24 hours: 170nm

Passage log: 1,805nm

Voyage log: 13,714nm

Distance to next port: 1,437nm

Remarks:  The 1st of December opens up with a hot and sunny day. The only thing cutting the heat is the light breeze we make ourselves, the sea is as still as glass. Clara and Ollie overhaul blocks, Lyra and Sara work on ratlining down, Mike and Pol work the sextants to find our noon position. Dan is caulking decks. Making good speed under power – all towards Bali.

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