Day’s Run – November 30, 2023

Date: 30 November 2023

Sailing from: Luganville, Vanuatu

Bound towards: Bali, Indoneisa

Noon position: 10°29.9’S 142°15.6’E

Course: WxS1/4S

Speed: 7.3 knots

Wind force and direction: Force 1 SSE

Seas/swell: <1m SE

Water temperature: 82.5°F

Distance made good in 24 hours: 174nm

Passage log: 1,635nm

Voyage log: 13,544nm

Distance to next port: 1,579nm

Sails set: Outer jib, Inner jib, Main topmast staysail

Remarks: Hot and calm day transiting the Torres Strait. Pulled it off in 18 hours, not bad. Olde Tyme ships might take weeks. We had some nice cooling breezes as we slipped out of Prince Of Wales Channel and into the Arafura Sea. Work continues on deck with Lyra and Jeremie making ratlines, Clara servicing bunt blocks, Liam practicing wire splices and Violet, Diane, and Rachel seaming sail. Dan is caulking a new plank. Power shower shortly to be sure!

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