Day’s Run – November 28, 2023

Date: 28 November 2023

Sailing from: Luganville, Vanuatu

Bound towards: Bali, Indonesia

Noon position: 9°53.2’S 145°40.3’E

Course: W

Speed: 2.7 knots

Wind force and direction: Force SSE

Seas/swell: 1m SExS

Barometer: 1013 Steady

Sky: 6/8 cu, ac

Water temperature: 80.8°F

Distance made good in 24 hours: 65nm

Passage log: 1,381nm

Voyage log: 13,290nm

Distance to next port: 1,803nm

Sails set: all sails set

Remarks: Light winds. Bosun Line and crew sorting a big pile tools and fittings. Sara and Lyra work on ratlines. Rachel, Diane, and Liam seam sail. M-H and Mike work the sextant to get a noon sun fix.

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