Picton Castle is at anchor in the Bush Islands off Dublin Shore. Sunny tropical Nova Scotia…. warm and sunny, with a fresh breeze blowing the land dust away.
We anchored yesterday afternoon and got settled for the night. In good holding and at an extremely pretty spot, surrounded by small granite islands covered with pine and spruce. A fine sunset and a beautiful sunrise as the lobster boats headed out to check their traps. Our first islands.

Today the crew got down to seamanship. All hands stayed aboard. We launched the long boat and each watch got out for a couple hours each under Dustin rowing the famed Monomoy about these enchanted waters. This is excellent seamanship training and learning. This evening they will head for a deserted cove they discovered, to be back before dark. They have been warned about the dreaded ticks, we have in ample abundance hereabouts. The tropics do not have a monopoly on nasty bugs, far from it.

Today we did all sorts of good seamanship jobs. “Sailorizing” we used to call it. Under Line, Clara and Sara splicing new braces, downhauls and sheets, Julien greasing engine controls and shackles, shined up the engine room, Dirk put some illumination on such household tasks as washing of dishes (use plenty of water, and rinse well), washing of clothes onboard (soak overnight in a bucket, scrub, rinse several times in salt water, final rinse in fresh, hang to dry, pick your days, as in “dry ones”, take down asap when dry), painting the shackle marks on the anchor chain, got the scullery better sorted with veteran PC seaman Tammy with Leo helping, and sundry other tasks.

Last night they all watched Sailing Around Cape Horn in the 4-masted bark Peking, by Captain Irving Johnson of schooner and brigantine Yankee fame. Followed by SS Martha, a Danish show from the 1960s. Google it, it’s hysterical.
It may blow fresh tonight, so we will put out some extra chain, and lay down tomorrow when we will carry on with such tasks as we await a good weather moment to get back underway.