The last Captain’s Log was a gallery of nice images of PICTON CASTLE under sail and at sea. Pretty nice images if I do say so. It seems that some folks saw this as what was going on at the moment and thought that we were underway, under sail again. Not yet. Well, it ain’t so, it was aspirational!!!! “Aspirational” means it is what we WANT to be doing. I was tired of posting stories about being high and dry at Shelburne Ship Repair, and sick of snow pictures (as pretty as some were). Nope, that Captain’s Log was all about what we should be doing SOON, but not quite happening yet. The PICTON CASTLE is still up on the ways at Shelburne. There is talk about launching next week though. And that is very very good news. Stay tuned. But she is still up on the ways as we get ready to launch.