In 1996 we bolted down on the foc’sle head a N0 6 HYDE Capstan I got from Captain Bob Douglas of the magnificent Topsail Schooner SHENANDOAH. This capstan was built in Maine in the 1920s or 30s for use on the decks of big wooden schooners, and also for square-riggers like our Barque PICTON CASTLE.
For over 26 years our crew have stomped many miles around this noble piece of salty gear, hauling up anchors, hauling down the foresail tack and warping this ship around wharves and the like. Maybe for 300,000 miles and seven world voyages it has served us well.
Now it seems like it’s time to get a new capstan. So, that’s what we are looking for. A new capstan for the PICTON CASTLE. Does not have to be a HYDE N0 6, any proper hand operated capstan about 30” high or bit more will do the job.
If you have one, know of one, and would like to see it head off to sea under sail for bluewater passages, please let us know. Send us an email at [email protected].

A picture of our faithful and fine capstan in-situ on the foc’sle head of PICTON CASTLE, having just sailed up to anchor deep in the South Pacific.