A good sail out Town Cut, St George’s, Bermuda under full sail. Nice warm day to start our climb north to Nova Scotia.
Date: May 28, 2019
From: St George’s, Bermuda
Towards: Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada
Noon position: 34° 33′ N / 064° 35’W
Course: SWly, at noon steering NE in a frontal passage. Desired course is due north and will be again in a few hours.
Speed: 4 knots
Wind force and direction: NEly force 4 winds and veering
Seas/swell: moderate seas mostly SE, 1 metre or more, but confused and lumpy
Barometer: 1017 and dropping
Sky: light overcast, light rain and warm this morning, changing and clearing in the afternoon
Water temperature: 23C – 74F
Distance made good in 24 hours: 131 nautical miles
Passage log: 131 nautical miles
Distance to next port: 588 nautical miles as the cod swims