Pilot aboard. Headed into Ordnance Island at St George’s, Bermuda to go alongside to clear in and dodge the winds.
Date: May 21, 2019
From: Jost Van Dyke, British Virgin Islands, West Indies
Towards: St George’s, Bermuda
Noon position: off St David’s Head, Bermuda at 29°-30′ North Latitude / 063°-34′ West Longitude
Course and speed: SWly, motoring along making good speed and taking on Pilot
Wind force and direction: ESEly force 3 winds
Seas/swell: moderate seas mostly SE, 1 metre or less
Barometer: 1020 and steady
Sky: light overcast and light rain, warm
Water temperature: 23C – 74F, getting cooler
Distance made good in 24 hours: 180 nautical miles
Passage log: 872 nautical miles
Distance to the next port: we are there, at the pilot station off St George’s Town Cut, Bermuda