After nearly three weeks anchored in Suva, the capital city of Fiji, we’re off on our merry way again. Yesterday at 10:30 am we sailed off the hook and sailed out of Suva Harbour past fishing boats and misty mountains in the background.
Our time in Fiji was well spent, the ship was hauled out of the water and was in shipyard for a total of three days. The Captain was rather impressed by the timely turnaround. It was amazing to see our steel-hulled vessel out of the salt water and resting comfortably on blocks on the marine railway. Every two years the ship is hauled out, this was a simple checkup at the doctor if you will. She was given a bath, two fresh coats of bottom paint, and was surveyed.
Meanwhile on deck, the work didn’t stop. Local carpenters were hired to replace our main deck pin rail. The crew had a lot of fun removing the old wood and watching and learning from the skilled carpenters as they worked intensely on our new Fijian hardwood rails.
For the crew that didn’t stay onboard while the ship was in dry dock, they took this opportunity to explore the island. A few even ventured as far as other islands in order to learn more about the Fijian culture. In the end, we all immensely enjoyed our stay. Best of all, our ship’s cat Fiji has now completed her first world circumnavigation!

Today marks our first full day back at sea. The crew are shaking off their shore brains, gaining their sea legs back and a few are fighting the inevitable seasickness. We motored through the night to gain ground, this morning all sails were set as we shut down the engine for a peaceful workday. Riggers and assistants worked together to bend on more sails today, the flying jib and main t’gallant staysail. Our sailmaker, John, was able to work on the quarterdeck, free of rain, stitching and seaming the main topmast staysail. The Captain foresees rain in our future, nothing we weathered sailors can’t handle. This afternoon there was a discussion held on Vanuatu, our next port of call, where we estimate we’ll arrive in 5-6 days.
From: Suva, Fiji
Towards: Vanuatu
Date: October 5th, 2018
Noon Position: 17°58′ S x 176°05.7′ E
Course + Speed: W by N + 5.7 knots
Wind direction + Force: S by W + 3
Swell Height + Direction: 1 1/2m + Southerly
Weather: Sunny
Day’s Run: 132.2nm
Passage Log: 138.9nm
Distance to Port: 531.6nm
Voyage: 9783.8nm
Sails Set: All square sails, spanker, main topmast staysail, outer jib, inner jib, fore topmast staysail