As we sail along comfortably with the easterly South Pacific tradewinds on our quarter, the ship’s work projects get chipped away at. The rudder post on the aloha deck (which connects the rudder under the aloha deck to the worm screw steering gear and helm on the quarterdeck) got well chipped and received plenty of coats of paint. The breezeway handrails, too, received their final coat of paint.
This morning’s sunshine was interrupted by a light shower during lunch, which was served down in the salon. Spaghetti, curried parrot fish and breadfruit salad to fill and satisfy our bellies! The sun is beaming down on deck again and captain has given the order to 3rd mate Corey to loose and set royals.
Preparations for the newest member of our small boat fleet Ann continues; carpenter Carlos, of Mississauga, begins to measure and take the boat’s lines, lays out plans and sorts out materials with the guidance of our Captain. Excitedly our small boat Sea Never Dry is having a new jib made by Connor, of California, under the helpful eye of sailmaker of many years John. This afternoon second mate Dirk of Tasmania via Germany is hosting a lesson on weather. A sailor’s best friend and worst enemy is the weather. Understanding its patterns, reading the predictions and the forecast all assists the crew in becoming better seamen.

From: Palmerston Atoll, Cook Islands
Towards: Vava’u, Tonga
Date: September 5, 2018
Noon Position: 18°18.1’S x 167°40.6′ W
Course + Speed: SSW + 6.1 knots
Wind direction + Force: E + 4
Swell Height + Direction: 2.5m + ENE/SE
Weather: bright, sunny
Day’s Run: 145nm
Passage Log: 147nm
Distance to Port: 356nm
Voyage: 8773.7nm
Sails Set: All square sails (expect the mains’l), main topmast stays’l, inner jib