Sunday at sea. 870 miles to go to Pitcairn Island.
Light to no wind continues on this beautiful Sunday at sea. Sun is shining strongly on deck, the long drawn out swells periodically rock the ship back and forth, side to side like a parent would rock a baby to sleep in its cradle. Sleep is high on the to-do list for many crew members today, the tools and sewing needles are laid to rest, making for a great day to take a nap. The main hatch amidships is filled with five-year-old Dawson’s chalk drawings and crew members working on personal projects, ditty bags, sheaths and coconut bowls are becoming quite popular. After a coconut has been emptied and enjoyed the shell can make a great soup bowl or soap dish. The ‘Danish Clipper’, our ship’s barber, Anders of Denmark, is open for business today. Every week he learns more and more about the world of hairdressing.
It’s paradise in the South Pacific today and the talk on deck is that there will be a swim call at 1300! And the sea is only 12,000 feet deep, two and a half miles to the bottom of this deep blue ocean!
From: Galapagos
Towards: Pitcairn
Date: July 8th, 2018
Noon Position: 17°55.8′ S x 116°34.2′ W
Course + Speed: SW + 1 kt
Wind direction + Force: ESE + 1
Swell Height + Direction: 3m + SW
Weather: Bright, sunny
Day’s Run: 20.7nm
Passage Log: 1842 nm
Distance to Port: 867nm
Voyage: 5335nm
Sails Set: Lower and upper topsails, t’gallants and royals, outer jib and inner jib