Wind has laid down and is almost aft.
As the sun rose through the clouds this morning a handful of bright eyed and bushy tailed souls appeared on deck. In these moments they’re able to sip a cup of coffee or tea and have a moment to themselves while preparing for the day. Some may get a head start on laundry or put a couple more stitches into their ditty bag. Despite only a few exchanges of words between shipmates, it’s a shared feeling that we are all admiring the glorious sight at hand – the beginning of a new day.
The previous evening, with only the occasional cloud, offered up a beautiful vision of stars and other celestial beings. Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and Mars could all be clearly seen, as well as other notable constellations such as Centaurus and Scorpio and, of course, the ever-present Southern Cross – as well known in the southern hemisphere as the Big Dipper is in the north. At around 2300, the darkest hour just before the moon began its rise, the sky was so brilliant and clear that (according to the mate) the “dust” of the Milky Way appeared to have a blue glow. Such sights are rarely seen ashore, perhaps on mountaintops, due to so much light pollution, but it is truly majestic to experience – just one more thing that makes our long ocean passages so, well, awesome.
This morning the rigging gang is nowhere to been seen on deck. Of course, one must look up in order to find the riggers. They’ve been working on the t’gallant yard, the second from the top, unlashing the sail from the spar to send it down to deck. They will then prepare the alternate t’gallant sail, hoist it up the foremast and bend it on. Our ever so colourful dory Sea Never Dry is receiving some tender loving and care, the 12-4 on watch are scraping its paint to prep it for a fresh coat or two. Those who have sailed the ever fun, ever wet dory know what a blast she is to zoom around a harbour in and race other small boats. The porthole over the inside head tub has received a bit of makeover, having been scraped then covered with a fresh coat of primer to prepare it for a final coat of white paint. As well, the windlass brake band was removed, scraped, cleaned up, painted, and left hanging to dry on the well deck.

From: Galapagos
Towards: Pitcairn
Date: July 5, 2018
Noon Position: 15°58.3′ S x 114°24.9′ W
Course + Speed: SWxS + 5.2′
Wind direction + Force: ExN + 4
Swell Height + Direction: 3m + E
Weather: Overcast
Day’s Run: 123nm
Passage Log: 124.8nm
Distance to Port: 1034nm
Voyage: 5152.8nm
Sail Set: All square sails except the fore t’gallant, inner jib