Rolling down to Pitcairn. Almost halfway. A fresh wind on the port beam, yards braced just so, all sails full and drawing, a white noise as the seas rush by the waterline. Blue white-capped seas as far as we can behold. Shoals of flying fish taking to wing to get out of our way – just like yesterday. An ocean to ourselves.
Today we enjoy a beautiful Sunday at sea and Canada Day! The Canadian flag was hoisted to the royal yard (the tallest yard) on the foremast and the many Canadians onboard are sporting their red, whites, plaids and toques. Canada sits close to the heart of Picton Castle crew, because despite the cold winters in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, the ship calls the country home base. Like Canada is a multicultural country, the Picton Castle is a multicultural vessel. Our mates and lead seamen hail from Bermuda, Germany, Canada, USA, Norway, Denmark, Tonga, Australia, France and Spain.
This morning the ‘Danish Clipper’, our ship’s most stylish barber, Anders of Denmark, was open for business, supplying the crew with the best haircuts this side of the Equator. As Anders states “I don’t give bad haircuts”.
The watches take the traditional ‘Sunday at sea’ and a break from ship’s work today, focusing their attention on preparing for the Seamanship Derby! Costumes are in the works, knots and splices are being practiced, the anticipation is building. Which watch will come out on top? Rumours of bribes and tricks abound.
From: Galapagos
Towards: Pitcairn Island
Date: July 1, 2018
Noon Position: 11°12.1′ S x 106°27.4 ‘W
Course + Speed: SW + 5.7’
Wind direction + Force: SExE + 4
Swell Height + Direction: 3m + SE
Weather: Bright, sunny
Day’s Run: 136.9nm
Passage Log: 140.2nm
Distance to Port: 1574nm
Voyage: 4602.9nm
Sail Set: All sails are set