By Cara Lauzon
Another beautiful night of clear sailing last night. The wind picked up in the early morning and now we are crossing the Gulf Stream which is causing a fair amount of roll, but we still have fair wind so the sailing is good. Yet another sunny day the color of the water seems more vivid today. Mid-morning a pod of dolphins appeared off the port bow! Can you find them jumping in this photo?
Date: 27 March 2018
Noon Position: 23°53.4’N-081°17.8’W
Course + Speed: WxN, 6kts
Wind direction + Force: ExN, F6
Swell Height + Direction: 3m, ExN
Weather: Bright and sunny
Day’s Run: 149nm
Passage Log: 575.7nm
Distance to Port: 798nm
Voyage: 2522nm
Sail Set: topsails, courses, inner jib, main topmast staysail