Day’s Run – 22 March, 2016

The wind has been variable as we make our way between the islands, so there’s been heaps of sail handling, taking in and setting royals and upper staysail, even t’gallants and the mainsail at times as the wind built to a force 6. It was an excellent evening for taking star sight tonight: clear horizon and almost cloudless.  The moon is full so there’s lots of light for the night watches, it’s very pretty reflecting off the water. Sticky BBQ chicken for supper with potatoes and a crunch green salad.

22 March Setting the mains'l
Setting the mains’l

SHIP’S WORK: Grease royal poles, scrape and grease t’gallant masts, wooden boat KARL rebuild continues, replace spanker knock lashing and install new parals. Sail drill with fore royal.


FROM: St Georges, Grenada

TOWARDS: Sandy Ground Bay, Anguilla


NOON POSITION: 15°32.6’N /062°13.7’W

DAYS RUN: 96nm



COURSE AND SPEED: North half East(CMGT 332°T)

WIND: Force 4, East North East

WEATHER: 1/8 cloud cover (cumulus), air temp 80F (27°C), barometer reading 1020 millibars, visibility good

SWELL HEIGHT & DIRECTION: approx 3 feet, East North East

SAILS SET: Square sails to the royals, fore topmast staysail, mizzen topmast staysail, main t’gallant staysail and inner jib, braced up sharp on a starboard tack.

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