Part three of the rigging workshop this afternoon and celestial navigation classes and practice continue. The weather is consistently hot now – it’s getting to the point of needing shoes to take noon sights or dancing about to stop your feet burning on the hot decks.
SHIPS WORK: Work continues on the new royal yard: the ends are now being rounded out ready for the irons to be fitted, and it’s being planed down to its proper shape making a big pile of curly wood shavings on the deck – have to be careful when we sweep them up that a cat doesn’t get thrown out with the shavings! The inside of the monomoy got a coat of primer today and sailmaking continues in force.
BOUND FROM: James Bay, St Helena, South Atlantic Ocean
TOWARDS: Grenada, Windward Islands, Caribbean Sea
NOON POSITION: 08°25.3’S /013°32.4’W
DAYS RUN: 103 nm
COURSE AND SPEED: North North West, Course made good 318° true, 4.5 knots
WIND: Wind Force 4, South East by East
WEATHER: Fair, 2/8 cloud, barometer 1016 millibars and steady,
visibility very good
SWELL HEIGHT & DIRECTION: South South East 1-2m
SAILS SET: All square sails set. The main is set now, but goosewinged up on starboard side. We also have some fore and aft sail set: the spanker is sheeted way out to port, and main, fore and mizzen topmast staysails and gaff topsail are all set now the wind is coming over the starboard quarter instead of dead astern.
The crew practice serving at yesterday’s rigging workshop