The Sailing Ship Adventure of a Lifetime

An Around-The-World Circumnavigation. Your Adventure Awaits...

The Barque Picton Castle is a three-masted tall ship based in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada and best known for our adventurous international deep sea voyages under sail. Almost anyone can become a trainee crew member, no experience required, just a desire to become part of the crew that sails the ship. With the guidance of our experienced staff crew, you’ll literally learn the ropes. Join us as a trainee crew member on the Around the World Voyage 2023-2024. Sign aboard for three, six or nine months, or for the full year+ voyage. Sail in the tradewinds to Panama, Galapagos Islands, Pitcairn Island, the South Pacific islands of Tahiti and French Polynesia, Tonga, Fiji, Vanuatu. Then on to Bali and the Indian Ocean and Reunion Island, then South Africa, St. Helena, islands of the Caribbean and Bermuda, making tradewind passages under sail. The Picton Castle is an inspected and certified sail training ship dedicated to deep sea sail training sailing the oceans of the world and meeting folks in their own lands on their term

The satisfaction of knowing you are sailing the sea with no engine generating noise, looking up and all the sails are set, you can hear the water rippling past, and you know that you and your watch, together with the other two watches have heaved and set and trimmed them all by hand, the way that has been done for hundreds of years - muscle and sweat and teamwork. It's amazing.

Learn about more exciting opportunities the Picton Castle has to offer!

The Picton Castle’s Bosun School is a land-based marine skills enrichment program for advancing mariners. The purpose of the Picton Castle’s Bosun School is to provide an opportunity to young, dedicated mariners to advance their hand skills – such as rope and rigging, sailmaking, general seamanship, working aloft and small craft handling – in a concentrated fashion without the natural demands and distractions of being underway at sea. Designed and conducted by Captain Daniel Moreland and special guest instructors, the Bosun School allows you to significantly advance your skill levels. Once signed aboard your next ship you will have that much more to offer and will be a greater contributor to helping the ship on her mission – which is, after all, what being crew is all about.

2019 saw the opening of our Ship & Boat Chandlery at our storefront at 174 Bluenose Drive, Lunenburg, NS.  The Chandlery features an emporium of marine tools & supplies, handy, useful, hard-to-find, exotic and frivolous nautical items, and handmade treasures from around the world brought to Lunenburg aboard the Barque Picton Castle!

The Chandlery also has an active online store, available to shoppers around the world at

The Captain’s Log is a collection of stories, articles, news and updates written by the Captain Daniel Moreland, crew of the Barque Picton Castle, alumni, and special guests.

Whether the Picton Castle is at port in Lunenburg, NS or travelling across the world, there are always lots of stories to be told. From ocean crossings to sandy beaches and tropical ports, from Bosun School workshops to events at The Chandlery, visit the Captain’s Log to follow the Picton Castle‘s amazing adventures!

Picton Castle's base of operations in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada

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